59,000 Feet Above Sudan

Dedicated to my brother, Alan. RIP My journey to Zambia started at noon from Heathrow Airport on 8 th August 2018. I was slightly apprehensive about the trip as I was flying with Ethiopian Airlines, whom I know very little about and was due to change planes in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, at 9 pm or so at night with only a 30 mins turn around which sounded next to impossible! However, the seven-hour journey to Ethiopia was smooth, comfortable and very relaxing. Most people appeared to be either from North Africa or Zambia/Zimbabwe and very quickly after taking off we all settled down to watch one of the many films on offer on a small screen in front of us. I watched three films, although it did feel slightly surreal watching ‘The Man from UNCLE’ whilst 59,000 feet above Sudan! Sadly, I hardly saw anything of Africa as I arrived late at night. Changing planes in Addis Ababa proved ...