The Vulture has Landed!

Monday 11th September 2018 I am feeling rather disgruntled with technology as had almost completed my blog yesterday, didn't save it, then we had a power cut!! Needless to say, I'm having to start again.... lots of patience required! Anyway, I am now comfortably ensconced in our new flat which is slightly larger than the previous one. We moved only one building down to a more modern three bedroom flat. It's rather swish only the same problem water! This time, not just no water in the evenings but none at all! I'm reassured this is just a teething problem and the mains will be switched on again but it's now been nine days so not sure what's going on! It's quite frustrating but I'm trying to remain chilled out about it as it certainly helps to be laid back here! It's amazing how you can get by with buckets of cold water (taken from work) and a working cooker and I now know exactly how many litres of water I need to have a ...