Hugs, Smiles and Trampolining

Hugs, Smiles and Trampolining I’ve now been living in Lusaka for 2 months and am beginning to settle down into a routine. My work is really interesting and the client group very diverse. Every day though there are challenges just as every job has. I work in a small team and support children with a range of communication difficulties. I love the children because, despite their difficulties, they always arrive at the Centre with a big smile on their faces! There is a technique for working with children with autism or ‘hard to reach’ children, called Intensive Interaction © . I have been implementing it with one boy for the last two weeks almost every day. It is amazing to see how effective it is. (I’ve obscured his photo for privacy). Initially the boy showed little interest in people, preferring to wander around the room looking at the walls and ceiling. He is generally non-verbal and was initially very detached f...